Sunday, July 19, 2009

Long Term Project

I have been working on this project off and on for the past couple of years to rescue, preserve, and catalog my art from the age of 1 (or whenever I first started drawing) through high school, and maybe even college. All of my formative years in any case. The off and on part comes from either not having money or not having time, or both.

I have put thousands of drawings into those clear sleeves so far and stuck them into 3-ring binders. Of course the majority of the "collection" is things that are bigger than 8.5" x 11", so I haven't really started tackling that end of things yet. Plus buying those things from Staples was starting to put a dent in my pocket-book. I looked around a little to see if there was a grant available that might help me, but it just doesn't seem to fit in anywhere.

My goal is to find someone that is an expert on childhood development that can take up my cause and help me order the work in approximate chronological order. No luck so far.

In the long run, I am hoping to donate the whole collection to a university or museum of some sort. Somewhere that it will be safe and protected, and available to interested parties.

I started the project about the same time that I became involved with a small arts organization called the Franklinton Arts District. Which diverted my attention considerably, especially when I was elected Vice President, and later President. Plus I've got to keep making art.

I think the most interesting parts of this project are a) I'm a practicing artist, and b) my parents saved just about everything so there are examples from all stages of my development. Even those weird awkward stages when I was obsessed with ALF at grade school level, and super heroes as an middle school student. All the stuff that other children would have been unsatisfied with and wadded up and stuffed in the trash bin I kept.

Well see where this goes. I'll update about it as soon as I have some sort of update worth sharing!

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